Sunday, December 11, 2011

Worth Writing About

I know I have posted before about my Aunt Peggy, but after a visit with her today, I felt she was worth writing about once again.

This nearly 87 year old woman has been through so much in the past year and yet she continues to have a smile on her face and the best outlook on life. She recovered from a broken hip, but then broke seven ribs. After a lengthy recovery from that, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Always a fighter, she decided to have the surgery because in her words she was "not finished yet".

Peggy's recovery from that surgery has been slow and plagued with set backs. Yes, there have been times where she feels discouraged (who wouldn't?) but I think we could all learn a thing or two from this tiny frail woman that has unending determination.

She is currently in a London hospital, which has made it easier for me to visit regularly. I have treasured these moments and have discovered that the visits are as much for me as they are for her. It is so encouraging to walk in and see her sitting on the bed or in the chair embroidering and talking about how "it's a beautiful day".

I wonder how many of us would have this outlook after more than 3 months in hospital, hooked up to various machines and monitors, poked and prodded regularly and most of this time she has not been able to eat any food.

I truly hope that she gets her Christmas wish and is able to go home soon. Much love Peggy XOXO

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