Tuesday, August 28, 2018

TV Family

Last week I had a little extra time on my hands after work so I decided to stop by the TV station. I spent nearly 15 years of my life within the walls of that newsroom and the people became like family.

What a wonderful time I had catching up with old friends. I wasn't sure what faces I would recognize as it's been five years since I left. Fortunately, I knew most of the people that were working that day!

Working in TV was such a unique and rewarding experience. I truly loved my time at the station and the fun I had with the people. We worked as a team - sometimes under tight deadlines and pressures - but how rewarding when we pulled off a successful show. It was a great group of people to work with and have fun with. Countless potlucks, coffee runs, ice cream runs, Dutch Blitz games and even re-watching old bloopers together.

Some poignant and memorable moments happened in that newsroom:
  • I found out I was an aunt for the first time
  • I watched 9-11 unfold from a "behind the scene" perspective
  • A few of my closest coworkers stayed after the late show to await news on my first-time house purchase
  • During a 3 minute commercial break, I got a call that Dad had a heart attack. I had to keep it together for the remainder of the show and was surrounded by caring and concerned coworkers when the credits rolled
  • I took a call from my sister Connie in the middle of the busy newsroom to discover they had just adopted a baby!
  • I found out about the deaths of George Harrison and Ernie Coombs from the wire alerts 
  • I excitedly sat through the noon news before picking up my first Beetle - yellow - my dream car! I promptly drove it back to the station for everyone to see since they were still a novelty at the time.
Thanks for the memories! A great chapter in my life and happy to have shared it with such amazing people.