Since the big move a few weeks ago, my TV has been sitting on a little table in the corner with cables spewing everywhere. (as you can see in the photo in my previous post) It was kind of driving me crazy so Saturday Jason & I headed out to find a solution. After an amazing lunch at Waldo's, we started looking. First off - Tepperman's. Apparently they do not fit the lifestyle of my home. No luck. Next stop: EQ3. Nada. Sears Home...nothing. The Brick? Nope. How about Leon's? Ummm, no. I had an idea in my mind that I wanted a corner unit that could hold my movies but not have them open and on display. I was not finding this at any of these places. Mostly they were offering plasma TV stands.
Jason suggested Walmart. Really? Walmart? Are you kidding? I had to pick up a few other things so we headed there. Would you believe it...the first TV stand I saw was exactly what I had in my mind. AWESOME! And as a bonus, I got Jason's staff discount. We loaded it up in the cart and headed home. It took about 2 hours but we finally got it assembled and all my stuff loaded in. I'm so pleased with the results. Take a look.